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'The Paper Life' stands for many things that I find important on my journey of personal growth. 


In this fast-paced world full of digital distractions, reading BOOKS can be a welcome escape. Wether it's losing yourself completely in a compelling story or finding wisdom in insightful literature, a book will certainly bring something to the table for everyone! 


Setting intentions for the day every morning, expressing gratitude, writing down your thoughts and worries,...JOURNALING is a fantastic way to bring structure and clarity in your life, set goals, reduce stress, improve creativity,...It is scientifically proven that writing down your thoughts and worries makes it much easier to process them. Writing down goals gets you more motivated to achieve them...what are you waiting for?


By giving (presents, cards, attention,...) our brain releases oxytocin, this helps us feel happier and reduce stress. Find your favourite WRAPPING PAPER or the most lovable CARDS here.


Also made of paper, MONEY certainly deserves a place on our site. Not only do I want to take you on my affiliate marketing journey, but I want to show you that you can look at money in a completely different way.


Black Notebook
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