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...must be a rich mans world. 

The paper currency we exchange daily is made out of nothing more than paper. did it become so valuable?


Money emerged as an evolutionary response to the need for a medium of exchange in human societies. In earlier societies, before money was introduced, trade was usually done through a barter system, where goods were exchanged directly for other goods. However, this system had limitations  and this sometimes made trade inefficient.

To solve these problems, the concept of money emerged. Money is a universal medium of exchange that is used as an intermediate step in transactions. It makes trade more efficient and facilitates economic exchange. 

In early societies, goods were exchanged directly without a generally accepted medium of exchange. This system had limitations, as mentioned above.

To facilitate the process of exchange, people began to use certain commodities as money, such as grain, livestock, salt, shells, etc. These commodities had intrinsic value and were widely accepted as a medium of exchange.

Subsequently, precious metals, such as gold and silver, became popular as money because they were durable, portable, and divisible. People started minting coins from precious metals and using them for transactions.

Over time, it was realized that it was difficult to carry large amounts of precious metals, which led to the development of PAPER MONEY. Banks and governments began issuing banknotes representative of certain quantities of precious metals they held in custody.



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Money mindset

In today's fast-paced world, our relationship with money goes beyond the mere transactional aspect. It reflects our values, beliefs, and attitudes towards life itself. Cultivating a positive money mindset is crucial not only for financial success but also for overall well-being and happiness. It's about adopting a healthy perspective that promotes financial stability and a sense of abundance.


Understanding Your Money Story:

Our perceptions of money are often shaped by the experiences and stories we've been exposed to throughout our lives. Take a moment to reflect on your own money story. What beliefs or attitudes about money were instilled in you during your childhood? How have these beliefs impacted your financial decisions and behaviors? By understanding your money story, you can identify any limiting beliefs or negative patterns that might be holding you back from achieving financial abundance.


Setting Realistic Financial Goals:

Establishing clear and achievable financial goals provides a sense of direction and purpose. Whether it's saving for a dream vacation, creating an emergency fund, or investing in your long-term financial security, setting realistic goals allows you to track your progress and celebrate milestones along the way. Remember to set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).


If you want to learn more about money and money mindset, you can find some very interesting articles on our BLOG or must-read books in our 'BOOKS-department'.


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